الصورة الشخصية

Mahmoud Ramadan

مهندس برمجيات   مصر

نبذة عني

I'm a Software Engineer, Digging Code creator, Contributor and Developer to open-source projects, and I am Experienced in Solving Software Problems. As a Software Engineer, I have an established history of working in that field for many years with hard work and much good feedback from Specialized Developers worldwide and Clients on Freelancing Platforms. As an Open Source Projects Contributor, I'm passionate about contributing to open-source projects where I have contributed to dozens of projects such as Laravel Framework, Orchid Platform, and select2 Package. In addition, I like to create open-source projects to make life developers better, easier, and more convenient so, I created Custom Fresh for Laravel Developers and M.R Darkest Theme for VS Code Users plus much more Full Laravel Projects. I am ready to present more to make developers happier. As a Software Problems Solver, I'm a contributor on Stack Overflow where I answered dozens of questions over many years these questions wrapped around many Languages, and Frameworks like SQL, PHP, and Laravel Framework.

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