الصورة الشخصية

Ahmed Ali

Front End Developer   مصر

نبذة عني

لم يكتب نبذة شخصيةFront End Developer React JS || Next JS Welcome to you I have great and different skills like: HTML | CSS | SASS | Tailwind | Bootstrap | Material UI | JavaScript (OOP / DOM / BOM) | ES6 | TypeScript | JQuery | React | React-Hook-Form | Next | Next Auth | Redux | Redux-Toolkit | RTK Query | React Query | Axios | Postman | Pug.js | Gulp.js | Node JS | Express JS | MongoDB | Mongoose | SQL | APIs | Restful API | Canvas | JSON | AJAX | Jest | Git & Github | Command Line | NPM | Yarn | Framar motion | Chart JS I hope to have a good chance to work as a Frontend Web developer (تم اخفاء طريقة التواصل لمخالفة شروط استخدام المنصة) This is my portfolio that i had create you can look at it

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