الصورة الشخصية

Razan Hisham

Content writer and C   السودان

نبذة عني

لم يكتب •Content writer and blogger at Falcon Foundation. •Head of Human Development at You Are Capable Organization. •Content writer and Copy writer at Hafawa Health Organization. •Electronic marketer for a number of local and international companies such as Altru Real Estate Managing member and Project Manager of Kon Company. Member of Google Developers . First place winner for three years in the “Yalla Innovate” competition, which promotes innovation. A member of a number of writing platforms. Content writer, social media manager and Copy writer at TEDxYouth AlKalakla and a member of its organizing team. I will be speaking at a number of TEDx conferences that will be taking place soon. The Lacura Platform Foundation. I took accredited certificates for a number of training courses In AI Director of Social Networking Sites at Daria Real Estate Blog, and Project Manager, copy writer and content writer in the Ashanak initiative. CEO of IQR Organization. She has received more than 50 certificates of experience in a number of training grants . Speaker at a number of voluntary conferences and seminars. I focus on developing programming skills I took a certificate in a Python training course. Arduino and C++ programmer. I obtained a patent for a wheelchair for people of determination called Nomarchner Patent for an oil-pressing machine. Patented mattress for patients with thrombosis and dermatology Bedsore Received international honorary degrees in programming and more than 30 training course certificates نبذة شخصية

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