الصورة الشخصية

عبد المالك الخطيب

مهندس حاسوب   سوريا

نبذة عني

Hello i am abdulmalek alkhatib from a young age, I have had a passion for programming and a strong desire for learning. Currently, I am a fifth year computer engineering student, and I am excited about pursuing a career in programming. I possess intermediate experience in developing Android apps using Flutter, and I have a solid understanding of creating databases using MySQL. Additionally, I have a proficient knowledge of several programming languages, including Java, C++, Python, and SQL. I have also begun exploring the field of artificial intelligence and deep learning during my studies at the university. Continuous learning and research are my driving forces, as I am constantly seeking to enhance my skills and knowledge within my field. Moreover, I have a natural talent for writing and photography, and I enjoy utilizing my creativity in design. I have previously worked in design and montage. During my leisure time, I find pleasure in playing football."

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