Redesign SpiroSpathis logo - سبيرو سباتيس Redesign SpiroSpathis logo - سبيرو سباتيس Redesign SpiroSpathis logo - سبيرو سباتيس Redesign SpiroSpathis logo - سبيرو سباتيس
تفاصيل العمل

In light of the events taking place in Palestine, our brotherly country, there is a company in Egypt that was founded in 1920 under the name Spiro Spathes. Over time, no one heard about it, but when the boycott occurred, it repelled the Zionist companies. This company appeared again and supported the Palestinian cause, and that is why I made this renewal of the logo. Its own to keep up with the new era

بطاقة العمل
تاريخ النشر
منذ سنة
Yuccef Ashraf
Yuccef Ashraf
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